JunThe last few years BMW has been extensively busy with the development and production of attractive, new motorcycles. One of their latest developments is the brand new G 310 R. This lightweight, nimble handling, attractively styled motorcycle will naturally appeal to novice riders. For this motorcycle Hyperpro has developed an extensive range of suspension products. As a first step Hyperpro developed a progressive spring kit which replaces the original fork springs and the spring on the OEM shock absorber. This spring kit improves cornering and comfort and reduces brake distance. For the demanding rider Hyperpro also developed an emulsion shock … Continue reading “HYPERPRO FOR THE NEW BMW G310R!”
MayHyperpro BMW ESA shock absorbers. For all BMW R1200GS and R1200GS Adventure models till 2013, equipped with the BMW ESA system. Suitable for both WP and Showa systems. As these motorcycles get older, the OEM shock absorbers will show some issues where a replacement is needed. Issues like non-functioning ESA adjustment as a result of a damaged adjustment motor, too soft springs, lack of damping or other needs of the rider, should be solved. Hyperpro ESA R1200GS (A) 2008-2013 shock set Hyperpro is offering a serviceable front and/or rear shock. We are using the 460 emulsion damper as a … Continue reading “Hyperpro BMW ESA shockabsorber”
JanLast year Kawasaki presented the brand new Z650 as a replacement for the popular ER-6 (NINJA 650). The bike has been completely changed from the inside as well as from the inside and looks great. In order to make the bike ride as sharp as it looks, Hyperpro developed a wide range of suspension products for the Z650. Combikit: The easiest way to upgrade the suspension is to install a set of Hyperpro progressive springs front and rear. Shock: Another option is to install the progressive front springs in combination with a Type 460 or Type 461 shock absorber in … Continue reading “Hyperpro Suspension for the new Kawasaki Z650 2017!”
JanThe brand new Z 1000 SX has hardly been introduced or Hyperpro has already developed several suspension upgrades for this iconic motorcycle. The Z 1000 SX is already on the market since 2011 and is considered as one of the best bikes in the sport-touring segment. Although it was already a great bike, Kawasaki managed to improve the bike again for 2017 and now Hyperpro offers the products to make a great bike perfect! Therefore Hyperpro developed the following suspension products; Progressive front and rear springs. 466 emulsion shock absorber 461 fully adjustable shock absorber Streetbox (466 shock absorber & … Continue reading “Hyperpro for the new Kawasaki Z1000SX 2017!”
NovHyperpro Suspension Technology is offering a complete package for the Yamaha MT-07 Tracer (FZ-07 Tracer). Hyperpro already offers a rear shock, a spring set and a Streetbox for this bike. Now available is an upgrade spring set, which lowers the bike with 25 mm. This can be done by only changing the rear spring on the OEM shock and changing the front fork springs. A great feature for all those riders who do like this MT-07 Tracer, but would like to fit on the bike more easy and gain more trust and confidence while riding. Reference is SP-YA07-SSC023 and available … Continue reading “Hyperpro Lowering option for Yamaha MT-07 / FZ-07 Tracer”